True Insight

Every corporate culture can benefit from connecting everyday with the creative spirit of its founder’s vision and values.

“And we must end every day knowing we can do even more tomorrow. Leaders create more than they consume and always leave things better than how they found them.”

Jeff Bezos

“And we must end every day knowing we can do even more tomorrow. Leaders create more than they consume and always leave things better than how they found them.”

Jeff Bezos

Open Innovation

Our open approach reimagined how you could use a blank walled corporate environment and transform it into a creative gallery of doors, where surprise and intrigue can connect every colleague through a set of shared principles.

We illustrated each principle through the frame of doors. This iconic language references the doors once used as desks by the legendarily frugal Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. “I think it represents ingenuity, creativity and peculiarity, and the willingness to go your own path.”

Nico Lovejoy - Amazon employee No5.

We curated each creative leadership principle into a work of art positioned throughout the office environment of corridors and rooms within Amazon's work and social spaces. Turning blank walls and dead ends into creative doorways of opportunity.

We curated each creative leadership principle into a work of art positioned throughout the office environment of corridors and rooms within Amazon's work and social spaces. Turning blank walls and dead ends into creative doorways of opportunity.

True Purposeful Impact

A visually engaging, accessible way for Amazon to embed their principles in their new Middle East headquarters. Immersive experiences drive behaviour shifts across teams, creating shared cultural understanding as Amazon integrates and co-locates new teams together. Energising and liberating the power of human capital.

The Amazon Doors reinforces the founder’s creative thinking every day, to everyone that underpins and informs Amazon’s stunning economic growth and dominance.

The Amazon Doors reinforces the founder’s creative thinking every day, to everyone that underpins and informs Amazon’s stunning economic growth and dominance.